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"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”
– Nelson Mandela

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Discussion Board Forum 5

Discussion Board Forum 5

Q In this Discussion Board Forum, you will present, for your instructor’s and classmates’ review, your progress to this point on your Research Project. You will then analyze and critique your classmates’ progress on theirs. In a new thread, post the following by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Thursday: • The title of your paper or study, • The thesis statement of your paper or study, • The proposed research methodology of your paper or study, • The working bibliography of your paper or study, and • The working outline of your paper or study. Note: If you have updated your bibliography and/or thesis statement since submitting it in Module/Week 3, post the most up-to-date version in your thread. Note the following: Research Methodology. In addition to your thesis statement and bibliography, you must include a paragraph(s) related to your research methodology; that is, how you will do what you propose to do in your paper. This is especially important for the primary sources for your study (the New Testament texts). For example, what biblical passages related to your topic will you explore, what biblical passages will you ignore, and how will you justify ignoring them? Will you examine these biblical passages in their historical context? Literary context? Will you do an exposition of the key biblical passage(s) associated with your topic? If not, why not? These are issues related to research methodology and must be addressed before proceeding further. Outline. An outline is a picture (in “skeletal” form) of where you are going and how you propose to get there. It demonstrates the internal logic and integrity that holds the study together and ensures that every section and paragraph of the paper is “on topic” and supports the research as a whole. Typically, outlines are produced in the Harvard format: I. Major point A. Sub point 1. Supporting point Replies. After posting your outline on Thursday, reply to at least 2 classmates’ threads by 11:59 p.m. (ET) on Sunday, offering constructive feedback relating to their posted materials. Give helpful suggestions to improve the quality of the upcoming paper or study. You can also use this forum to ask your classmates about a particular passage, to seek bibliographical help, to bounce ideas off others, or simply to report your progress. Feel free to email the instructor if any other questions arise concerning your paper or study.

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It’s through Baptism that Christians can accept show respect and accept God. Baptism is also an act of faith. As Christians understand that the Body is Gods temple, and so is a baptism of Christians. Through Baptism Christians can start a new beginning with Christ.